Phase Four

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Verification & Aftercare

The process of remediation will be outlined in the remediation strategy report which defines action required. Once the site has begun construction and development, the developer will be required to collect data from the process of remediation to ensure quality controls are in place for review by regulators.

The process of remediation should be undertaken collecting as much data from the site as can be achieved to ensure this and may include:

  • Drawings
  • Photographic evidence throughout the process
  • Site notes
  • Third party review
  • Consultation with regulators
  • Watching brief
  • Collection of additional sampling
  • Review of imported materials

The above list is not exhaustive but will ensure that the site can be reviewed as fit for use through the various elements outlined above. It is common place for the verification report to be reviewed and have a requirement for approval by Local Authority and in some instances, the Environment Agency to ensure compliance and a suitable level of verification is in place to support that the site is ‘clean’.

HESI would be on hand throughout the process of remediation to aid in the review of data and assist the developer in what is a difficult element of construction.

Phase Four - Validation & Aftercare
Phase Four - Validation & Aftercare